Sunday, May 31, 2009

6 days more....

as you know
i am study at GO for my exam at 6 & 7 june
which mean this saturday i will face the exam...

i so scared...
i wish i can pass the exam so i can get into the university
but i can feel that i can't make it
because it too difficult..
and i also lazy..

what will i gonna do???
i'm so confused...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What should i choose..??

I am feel a little bit stress this day..
coz i don't know what degree will i choose...
should i choose dentist or hospitality ?

i'm really confused and scared
is this the right path i choose..???

please give some advice..??
coz i really need it..

What should i choose..??

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


today i watched "NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM II"
at cinema 21 in thambrin plaza
it's very funny...
i like it very much..

you should watch it too..

Monday, May 25, 2009

Can i make it..??

everything is according the schedule
and everything seem perfect..

well, not everything..
this morning, i have study chemistry and math
with chinoi lause...
TQ ya..

in the evening, i went to GO and today we were having TO
but when i went upstairs and
here we go again..
it was so hot there...!!
i can't eve concentrate with my TO.

why these days the weather was so hot ??

By the way... check this out...!!
I like this song and the dance very much
i hope you also like it...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Such a annoying day... *.*

this morning..
i felt really sick and tired

you wanna know why???
it because last night i went to buy food on jln semarang
but after i went home
i feel like my chest were being pressured by something..
it's really hurt
even i having difficultly in breathing....
each breath is pain

although this morning i have felt a lot better...
but the pain is still there..

anyways, today i can even felt comfortable
to play my computer
because of my sister project
and tomorrow is the deadline...

great..!!! everything hit me perfectly
they wanted me to suffer
although i did not want blame my sister
but she should done it as fast as she can
and her effect always make me crazy...
until this late still the project still not finished
i fell sorry for her..
this thing happen also because of my damn printer
but i will always support her as brother...

anyways, right now i feel a lot better
because my sickness almost cure

That all for today...
thank you..
May tomorrow become a better day..

Saturday, May 23, 2009



today nothing special happen ......
as usual i woke up at 6.30...
do some usual thing and get ready for my course....
the went home and relaxed to wait for my GO class in the afternoon.

When i have arrive at GO
everything seem fine except i noticed that there were blackout
i didn't even care about that because i saw the generator was working..
i went upstairs and i met my friends
we greeted each other and wait for the bell rang.
soon the bell was rang...
everybody who went put from the class seem exhausted
i wonder why??
i entered the room...

I feel someone from hell just pass by and give me a sign said
it's very hot......!!!!
how can i study at in kind of condition..!!!

although i kept mumbling about the room
it still no use and the lesson kept continoue
and after the break the AC still can't be used
then the AC open at the point where we all nearly
collapsed but anyways rescuer came just about time..

well just that..
i'm too tired to write today
so please forgive me

Friday, May 22, 2009

Today is a good day.. is it?

hello guys...!!!!

today, I feel really good..!!!
I don't know how can i be at this kind of mood ^^

Anyways, as usual i woke up early in this morning and listen for some music, took bath, drink "MILO" and prepare my book to go to my mandarin course....

The incredible things is..
I can learn my mandarin today very fluently even myself amazed
for what happen with me today..
the same thing also happen in house
i can did some UMPTN question, OMG..!!!
although it's still the easy part...

The after i took rest for more than one hours
i went to GO to study and before the lesson began
there is a student introduce himself to me..
after 3 days without friend there
finally i have "friend"..!!!

thank god, i will not feel lonely anymore..
the first lesson i were chemistry, it was very boring and i nearly asleep there
the second lesson was biology and at this lesson it's quite interesting
because the teacher was very good in making joke, i study until the bell rang...

still at GO..
that time i was talk to my new friend and i found out...
that his occupation was teacher same as carry
and he told me that he was saving his money to buy laptop
aarrgghh... i always jealous with someone in such young age can found his own money...

well this is my story for today
hopefully tomorrow will be better day

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My First Post

Hello.. everybody...!!!

This is my first post,hehehehe.....

Actually, the reason why I'm making this blog is because my friends.
I"m becoming quite interest when i saw my friends work with their blog,
and I'm want to share my daily thing from the good one until the bad one since
I'm nearly graduate and often to meet my friends,I don't know to whom i share the story of my life...
so hope you can enjoy it.

This morning...
I woke up at 06.30,and as usual after i woke up, i rush to play my computer
well, actually i don't know why i always do this every morning...
then after i have played for 1 hours, my mother told that we will went out to eat breakfast
i kept mumbling that time because i hate to go out for breakfast....

My family and i went to golden yen....
after we have arrived, we ordered food & drink bla bla bla
then like usual my parents give us (their child) some advice and this situation

I hate it very much......(but i still need it)
anyways, suddenly my sister wanted to look for a person that can see our faith because she afraid about her future but my parents disagreed with her and they kept arguing until my sister started to cry....

As brother i know that she afraid with her future but my parents not the kind of person believe in that things. along the road to go home my parents kept bla bla bla about my sister. I know, she is not the type of the person like to hear advices for other person and my parents also not a good advicer....

Finally... HOME AT LAST.....
but it's the time to open the shop and i felt really sleppy...
after i help my father open the shop, he told me to do something and i do it all
after that my activities were help parents,do my UMPTN question (god!!! it's so difficult, i can only do 2 question for 30 minutes CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!), and play computer...

these days, i'm thinking about my future...
i'm really afraid with UMPTN in coming 6 -7 june
i sure that i can't pass the test. Although i pass...
the dentist things is not my favorite subject, i don't hate it nor like it.
but i have back up plan...
i will go to KL for my hospitality about Kulineri & tourism managment...
so which one will i choose!!??
i'm really confused..!!!
and some extra information
in this june i want to learn cooking

Wish me luck.. and please give my some advices ....
Sorry if this post to long..